Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Dear Catholic Friends

Dear Catholic Friends,

Happy Fat Tuesday (I hope this is something you say)! I know a few of you are heading to church tonight to sing and feast on pancakes. The combination of music and pancakes sounds like a wonderful event.

Over the years I have witnessed many of you make sacrifices during the Lent period. I have watched you give up T.V., Diet Coke, Facebook, chocolate, and other sacrifices. I have always been impressed with your steadfastness and dedication, and I have been there with several of you when it is a hard day and you have wanted that chocolate bar or drink.

So, let's get down to my question. Let's say I want to participate in Lent this year. Do I have to necessarily be Catholic? I have something in mind, but I am still deciding. The duration is until Easter, and Sundays are free days, correct? I am excited to give this a try. If I do not hear from any of you that my decision is completely offensive, I think I will proceed.

Sincerely, Shelley

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