Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear Hubby

Dear Hubby,
 This is your official notice that Valentine's Day is two weeks away. I know you have informed me you can't be held responsible for any holiday gifts if I have not given you at least two weeks notice.

I am very aware that this is your least desirable half of the calendar year.  You have to worry about Christmas, Valentine's Day, my birthday, Mother's Day, and then our anniversary! Whoa, I am tired just from typing all those holidays. Just remember that then you get six months off!

Despite my high expectations, given that I am a "gift person", I realize I have no need to worry since you have been consistent and have showered me with many fine gifts over the years.  Not only your thoughtful gifts, but also your unwavering dedication to our family shows me how much you care for the kids and me. But I especially appreciate the gifts.

Sincerely, Your Valentine

(big kiss, little hug, big kiss, two little kisses, little hug, two big hugs, little kiss, little hug)

1 comment:

  1. Shelley, I just found your blog. Love reading it! I am glad you are writing and sharing some of your experiences here. We've missed you guys! Hope you are doing well!
