Sunday, March 18, 2012

Dear Youngest Son

Dear Youngest Son,

I can't believe you took a nap at church today. You curled up in my lap and you were asleep within a few minutes. You must really not feel well. I hope your meds help with the swelling soon.

I think the last time you took a nap was at least three years ago. I have to admit, it was quite nice to have you cuddling with me today. You are always trying to be so big. As sad as I am that you are sick again, I would love for you to cuddle with me anytime. And I may have given you a few small kisses while you slept. I know you hate kisses, but I could not resist. Sorry I won't "take them back", no matter how mad you get (which is pretty mad since you are on heavy steroids).

Sincerely, Mom


  1. Poor little guy :( I'm sorry his condition is flaring up again...that must be so hard for him, not feeling well. We'll keep him in our prayers and hope he gets better soon!

  2. Thanks Cristina! We appreciate it. His levels were better today, so that is a step in the right direction. We'll keep you posted.
